The 80/20 Lifestyle by Kris Wilcox


Kris Wilcox is a surfer, yoga teacher, massage therapist and life coach from San Diego who also happened to be one of the most colorful characters we’ve ever had at a retreat. She is energetic, full of stories, and eager to solve your problems and help you figure out what you want in life. She lives her life with balance, focusing 80% of her energy on healthful living but allowing herself 20% to let loose!

1 Comment

  1. Need another surf instructor? Live in Trinidad, CA, fluent/teach Spanish, so glad you’re into service to community/positive econ development!, Personal Training exp, family friends in Nica, Surf instruction exp, lifeguard, lots of surf travel, pura vida stoke! Just met Jackie George in Trinidad, I said “hook me up, I want to go!”

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