Why Surfers Should Care About Plastics: Reflecting On The UN Plastics Treaty

Humans emit more than 250 billion chemical substances a year.

Whether we want to believe it or not, we are living in a toxic world saturated with man-made chemicals. Synthetic products live in every corner of our homes, we slather them on our bodies, and are subject to an increasing number of pollutants and particulates in our air. This may sound like the kind of alarmist talk that makes you want to run and hide under the covers and never think about it again. However, it simply is the world as we now know it. Plastics are one of these repeat chemical offenders. While plastics have become a seemingly useful, universal product, they pollute 90% of our planet, and have extreme ramifications. Moreover, plastic waste is often mishandled and not properly disposed of, with the global plastic recycling rate being only 9%. In both small and large forms we see it littering our environments, our waterways, our food, our bodies and even brains.

So, one can understand the gravity of the situation and what was at stake when nearly 200 nations met in Busan, South Korea November 25th to December 1st for what was meant to be a fifth and final round of talks for the United Nations Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) to develop a legally binding global plastic pollution treaty, including the marine environment. INC meetings gather representatives from member states, relevant NGOs, industry stakeholders, and experts to discuss and negotiate specific measures and commitments to combat plastic pollution on a global scale.

With support from Surf With Amigas and the European youth advocacy non-profit Waves of Change, I was able to attend the negotiations as a youth delegate. I joined a team of 50 youth (35 and under) from around the world that pushed to include youth voices in the treaty’s outcome, and interacted with scientists and other officials on the frontlines of the fight against plastic pollution. Here are my major takeaways from the event, and a bit about why we should care about plastic pollution, both as surfers and citizens of the world.


6 things I Learned About Plastics

1.Over 16,000 chemicals are involved in plastic production (plastic chemical compounds come from crude oil and natural gas).

2. Many of these chemicals used are severe endocrine disrupters, affecting general health, sperm count, fertility, and more. Plastics, as well as the chemicals in the, can affect DNA structure and disrupt DNA sequencing (causing Alzheimer’s, strokes, etc.)

3. Throughout our lifetime, it is likely we will have at least a credit card’s worth of microplastics in our bodies. Microplastics have been found in placentas and can even cross the blood brain barrier into our brain.

4. 11 million metric tons of plastic enter the ocean per year, affecting marine life and ocean ecosystems.

5. Taxpayers pay billions of dollars each year that go towards government subsidies which sustain plastic industries! In the U.S. alone over the past decade, this has amounted to over 9 billion dollars in tax breaks or subsidies for state and local governments which produce plastics. Globally, it looks closer to $30 billion per year.

6. Although it is essential we manage our plastic waste properly, due to processing even recycling centers can be large emitters of the chemicals within plastics!

***Other important points include waste management’s capacity to successfully manage plastic, ecosystem imbalances, land and marine life threats, and the list goes on! Bottom line is, there are plenty of reasons why we are obligated to act, be it based in ethics, environment, health or responsibility for future generations.

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3 Simple Tools: Overcoming Surf Anxiety

It’s totally normal. It happens to all of us.

Standing on the beach and watching the waves with butterflies going crazy in your stomach. Paddling halfway to the outside only to turn back around out of fear or anxiety. Or making it to the outside but then feeling too far out of your comfort zone to catch any waves. 

Here are three tools that may help you overcome anxiety in the ocean so you can tap into the joy of surfing and catch more waves.

  1. Surf with friends (aka, surf with amigas!)

So much pressure is taken off when there’s a familiar face in the water. Surfing with friends means that someone can keep an eye on you, while you keep an eye on them. It also means that you can encourage each other to catch waves, cheer each other on, and laugh at the wipeouts together. Wiping out without a friend close by just isn’t the same. If you can’t line up a surf session with a friend, the next best thing you can do is chat with another surfer in the water. This will immediately take the edge off. Not to mention your new buddy will also be more likely to share a few waves with you!

  1. Spend time swimming and playing in the ocean

Surfing comes with many challenges. Surfers have to learn how to read waves, build up paddle and core strength, be able to steer clear of other surfers in the water, and overcome big wipeouts, to name a few. We can all agree that it’s hard. Swimming and playing in the waves (close to shore) is a great way to open up a more playful mindset while you’re in the ocean. Laughing loud, jumping over and swimming under waves, body surfing in the shore pound, laughing loud all over again. These are just a few things that will not only teach you how to tap into a more relaxed and playful approach to surfing, but will also build your confidence in reading waves and being underwater.

  1. Just breathe

Although this one’s a no brainer, it’s hard to remember to just breathe when you’re amidst the chaos! Deep, slow breaths will calm your nerves and get you re-centered. Try taking a few deep breaths every time you reach the outside and have a chance to sit up on your board. This will help to get rid of any panicky feelings you have and put you back in the zone. Try to make this a consistent practice.

We hope these simple tools help you calm your nerves and tap into the joy of surfing and ocean-play. If you try one of these tools and it works, we’d love to hear your story! If you have other practices that have worked for you, we’d love to hear about those too.

Want more? Check out our video collection and develop your own holistic surf practice by clicking here.

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