Blog by Kate Erwin of on Surf With Amigas Retreats

We recently had Kate Erwin from Cool Hunting pop in to join us on a retreat. She wrote a blog about her experience. Here’s an excerpt. Click the link to read the whole blog:

“Between the surfing, horseback riding, meals, beers on the beach, yoga classes and the overall adventure of Surfing With Amigas, there’s an incredible sense of camaraderie and support. George says this is due to surfing—and the surf lifestyle—being so all-encompassing, “Surfing to me is everything: it’s meditation, it’s exercise, it’s worship, it’s a way to play in nature, it’s spending time with loved ones, it’s challenging, it’s fun, it’s mindless, it’s mindful, it’s a way to connect with people from all over the world, it’s empowering, and it’s a total reset.”