Stacey Jones at Suave Dulce

Stacey did a lot of research and decided that based on price, location, and activities, Suave Dulce is the best Surf and Yoga Retreat out there! She came with high expectations and was still surprised by how awesome it is.


Threesome at Coco Loco – Photo Slideshow

The trio of ladies with Holly on Day 1 of their retreat!

Posing before the first surf session

Casey had never surfed before but was up and riding on her third try!

Casey, post-surf bliss

Afternoon yoga session

Celebrating a volleyball victory against a team of local boys!

Valerie from Colorado, styling on the inside

Hanging out on the porch waiting for the horses to show up!

Horses on the beach. Awesome!

Another gorgeous sunset....

Dinner and red wine at the French Guys restaurant

Sue is a veterinarian from Vacouver Island who was really excited to get into some warm water and empty waves!

We hiked a volcano...

...took some photos...

... then suited up into Volcano Boarding gear for the big slide!

Shopping for cheap treasures in the historic city of Leon.

On top of everything else we were lucky to witness baby sea turtles hatching!

The best part? New friends!

Smiling amigas
