Amigas Surf A Long Period Swell in Nicaragua

When a particularly big and unseasonal swell popped up on the surf forecast in February, the team of instructors at Surf With Amigas responded with excitement. It was an opportunity to teach the crew how to read a surf forecast and just what it means when there’s a long period swell (vs. a short period). The waves were pumping, and while it was a bit too big on the very biggest waves, we got some really great rides, along with some awesome wipeouts.

Amigas Charge Huge Waves in Nicaragua

I absolutely love getting Amigas into big waves. Ok, i’ll admit it, I do prefer when looking at the surf forecast while planning the retreat week, it shows small to medium sized surf. It just makes life easier that way. But when I saw a swell forecasted to be 22″, I also got really excited. During the retreat, we offered a course on how to read surf forecasts to explain what the period number actually means. Standby for a blog post on that….
For now you can check out the photos below to see what that long period swell means! (hint. big waves!).

Our team of surf instructors were on it, guaranteeing that all the Amigas stayed safe even amongst very large waves breaking over a rock bottom. Each of the ladies who challenged the point got at least one large wave, and many rode theirs all the way to the beach to the cheers of the ladies on the inside. It was a magical and inspiring day! Check out some photo highlights below…

The 3 Best Face Sunscreens for Surfing and Other Strategies to Stay Protected From the Sun

Wondering how best to protect your skin while surfing?

Here are our top three picks for sunscreens that stay on your face for surfing, as well as other strategies to minimize sunscreen use but still stay protected.

1. Shiseido 

Shiseido offers a variety of water resistant sun care products that work greta in the surf! Our favorites are the SPF 50 Sunscreen Stick and the Wetforce Ultimate Sun Protection Lotion. The Wetforce sunscreen is mineral based and free of chemicals. Both of these broad spectrum, water resistant products are have a matte finish that leaves your skin feeling smooth and dry.

Other strategies to stay protected from the sun:

In addition to staying lathered up with sunscreen on your face, neck, and hands, we highly recommend investing in other surf gear to keep you safe from the rays. Cover up! Hats, long sleeve rash guards, and leggings are a must if you plan to surf for years to come and spend many hours in the sun. These are some of our favorite small brands that make awesome surf gear for all women (and some men too)!

Fave hats: Kaiola Co.

Fave rashguards: The Seea

Fave leggings: Salt Gypsy

Highlights from Jan 15-21 in North Nicaragua

This week not only did we surf our brains out but we also got to help out our local non-profit, waves of hope, by painting the local high school! Don’t worry, we managed to fit in all the other awesome activities of our Women’s surf and yoga retreat program including yoga, sliding down a volcano, a fun girls night out and sunset cocktails at a neighboring resort!

Blog Post by an Amiga

Brittany Hammond joined us on a retreat a couple of weeks ago and wrote a cute blog post about the experience. She’s also an amazing photographer and got some great shots. If you’re wondering what it’s like to attend a women’s surf and yoga retreat with Surf With Amigas, here’s a taste!

Here’s an intro, but read the whole story by clicking the link below.

“I spent a week in Nicaragua with Surf With Amigas…  And it was one of the greatest weeks of my life!  In spite of several mishaps (missed flights, injuries, scorpions, and a monkey bite) I totally enjoyed this trip.”

First Retreat of 2017 Highlight Video

We had such an amazing group of women this week during our first Surf With Amigas Surf Yoga Retreat of the 2017 Year, filling the line up with laughs and positive energy!  Friendships were forged, waves were caught and adventure was had everyday! Can’t wait to see these Amigas next time!! This was also the first retreat that founder Holly Beck was back in instructor mode after her maternity leave so her kiddos were on hand to participate in the laughs and fun!

Blog by Kate Erwin of on Surf With Amigas Retreats

We recently had Kate Erwin from Cool Hunting pop in to join us on a retreat. She wrote a blog about her experience. Here’s an excerpt. Click the link to read the whole blog:

“Between the surfing, horseback riding, meals, beers on the beach, yoga classes and the overall adventure of Surfing With Amigas, there’s an incredible sense of camaraderie and support. George says this is due to surfing—and the surf lifestyle—being so all-encompassing, “Surfing to me is everything: it’s meditation, it’s exercise, it’s worship, it’s a way to play in nature, it’s spending time with loved ones, it’s challenging, it’s fun, it’s mindless, it’s mindful, it’s a way to connect with people from all over the world, it’s empowering, and it’s a total reset.”


Surfing Through A Hurricane

Surf road trip! November is usually dry and sunny but when an incredibly rare unseasonable hurricane Otto showed up to dump days and days of rain, we took a road trip from the rain forest of the South to the relatively dry Playa Hermosa! We had an awesome crew of Amigas and Amigos to laugh and surf with and everyone had great attitudes. You can’t control the weather or the ocean, but you can control your attitude.

Through the eyes of an Amiga (a very talented Amiga)

Surf With Amigas retreats are populated by talented individuals. A few weeks ago one of those was Alison Turner, a photographer, blogger, and instagram sensation (@alisontravels). She joined us in Northern Nicaragua in November.

Her words and pictures colorfully capture what it feels like to be an Amiga. A few of her photos are below, but if you have a few minutes it’s worth reading the whole thing. If you’ve been on a retreat, you’ll be shuttled back in time to relive a few of those feelings and if you haven’t yet, you’ll get a good taste of what the life of an Amiga feels like. See link below.


“First Breakfast at 5:30a.m.”, she said.   I know Jackie was talking about the plans for the following morning but I kept looking at the dry erase board for a “just kidding” below the time in which all 15 strangers were going to meet to have breakfast.   I just arrived in Nicaragua after a 24 hour travel day and my introverted self was immediately challenged to be social, share a room with a stranger, and be chipper at…. yes, 5:30a.m.”….

To read more…. click here

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