3 Yoga Postures to Strengthen Your Core

There are so many parallels between yoga and surfing. The skills you learn and practice on the yoga mat translate to the surfboard across so many different levels. Through this next series of blogs we will start uncovering some of these parallels.

Today, our focus is on the core. The practice of yoga is super beneficial in stabilizing and strengthening the body’s core. The core extends far beyond the muscles of the abs, and having a strong core protects our spine and reduces our risk of injury. A stabilized core allows us to move with strength and speed in a safe and effective way. Having a strong core can also help our balance, which is a huge benefit for surfing.

A strong and stabilized core increases your chances of having an quick pop-up and a successful ride.

Here are 3 yoga postures you can practice to strengthen your core and improve your pop up speed and balance on the surf board:

Bridge Posture: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana


Step 1: Lay supine on floor. Feet hip width apart so that you can graze your heels with your fingertips.

Step 2: Press feet and arms into the floor. Inhale and lift hips, firming the buttocks but not over squeezing. Lift buttocks until thighs are almost parallel to earth. Stack your knees over your heels. Engage your inner thighs muscles to keep the thighs and knees drawing towards each other maintaining hip width distance apart. Press into the feet to lift hips more, engaging the inner thigh muscles more to relax the buttock slightly.

Step 3: Lengthen sternum towards chin, chin slightly lifted from sternum. Walk one shoulder blade underneath the body at a time, interlock fingers and press hands into the earth. Open across the chest as you feel the length in the back of the neck.

Surf Specific Benefits: This one is not an obvious core strengthener but specific to surfing the benefits are huge! You are opening the chest and counteracting all of that forward rotation in the pectoral muscles from paddling. At the same time lengthening and strengthening your spine and opening the hip flexors (great for a fast pop up), while strengthening the glutes!!! This is a strengthening and healing posture when it comes to our surf specific muscles. Highly recommended!

* Hold for up to 30 seconds maintaining steady breath in and out through the nose.

Side Plank Posture: Vasisthasana

side plank

Step 1: From Downward Dog or Forward Plank shift onto the knife edge of the right foot. Bring the left hand onto the left hip and stack the right wrist slightly in front of the right shoulder. Root the right hand into the earth pressing through every knuckle mound to ease pressure on the wrist. Step the left foot back to meet the right, stacking the feet.

*If stacking the feet is too extreme, you can step the left foot to the centre line of the body, with the knee bent and the foot on the ground as kick stand.

Step 2: Open your hips, chest and gaze to the left side, extend the left arm to the sky. Gaze straightforward or gaze up towards the left hand.

Step 3: Hold with hips lifted, breathing steady. To increase intensity lift the left leg towards the sky. You can hold static or pulse. If pulsing, inhale to lift the left leg and exhale to slowly lower left leg until it hovers above the right. Move slowly with precision and control.

* Hold for 30 seconds. Rest. Take a forward facing plank for 30 seconds. Switch sides. Repeat 2 or 3 times on each side! Between each side take 30 seconds in forward plank.

Surf Specific Benefits: Strengthens the abdominals, the hips and improve overall sense of balance!
Baby Cobra: Bhujangasana


Step 1: Lay on your belly. Press the tops of your feet into the earth. Engage your thighs and feel your tailbone lengthening down towards the heels. Press your feet, thighs into the earth. Engaging the glutes and feeling the continued length from the tailbone towards the heels.

Step 2: Hands on the floor, stretch fingertips wide and root every knuckle mound into the earth. Hands underneath shoulders. Elbows close to the body. (Like grasshopper legs)!

Step 3: Use an inhale breath to slowly press into the palms, lifting the chest. Maintain firm contact with the lower body into the ground, feeling the spine long and tailbone lengthening towards heels as the chest lifts. Shoulders firming into the back body. In this baby cobra variation take a mini lift, gazing forward. (You are so lifted and engaged through the legs and core that you can hover your hands off of the mat for a moment).

* Hold for 15-30 seconds with steady breath through the nose. Slowly release. Repeat 2- 3 times and then take Child’s Posture.

Surf Specific Benefits: Strengthens the spine, abdominals and buttocks while opening through the chest and shoulders. This posture preps the body for a strong and stable paddling position and a solid foundation to start your pop-up from.

Remember to breathe through all of these postures using nose breathing. If you are not sure about your alignment head to a studio and ask your local yoga teacher some questions or come on a retreat and we will help you out!! Ultimately, the goal of these postures is gain some strength while creating opening. There is no need to push, force or achieve anything through these postures. Modifications are always available. Have a beautiful Tuesday and practice, practice, practice!

Surfing Cures Depression, Back Pain, and Boredom

It is now scientifically proven that surfing may just be the best medicine for a variety of ailments!

brandy awesome takeoff birds

We’ve all heard the saying “laughter is the best medicine.” It seems that since the 1970’s we’ve been moving away from those natural cures and becoming over-prescribed pill heads . The United States is said to be the biggest offender, however France is not far behind. France’s stats show “90% of patients who come out of the doctor’s surgery do so with a medical prescription.”  I haven’t seen the data, but I would assume that the figure in the US is closer to 100%.

Luckily for the French, there may be a change on the horizon as a group of Biarritz Doctors have decided to tackle this dependency with the healing powers of the ocean. They are literally prescribing water sports for chronic health issues. The program entails patients doing four months of surfing, paddleboarding and other lower intensity ocean activities. Nicolas Guillet is one of the program leaders and has seen positive results after just six months. They attribute these results to the vitamin D intake, improved blood flow, building core and extremity strength as well as pain relief. One patient reported that her back pain of over a decade was cured by six months of paddleboarding.

Aside from the physical benefits, there are psychological benefits. Breaking waters are said to release negative ions into the air which are thought to improve mood. “Physical exertion along with intense focus often produce flow states which flood the brain with neurochemicals like anandamide and serotonin, the same substances found in antidepressants.”


One of the most amazing aspects of this program in Biarritz is that it’s fully funded by the town and doesn’t cost the French Social security system a dime. The support of local health associations means that it only costs patients 10 Euros to participate. With more positive results to come from this “miraculous” surf treatment the days of saying “surfing is the best medicine” are near!

If you aren’t lucky enough to live in France and participate in this State supported program, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the advice. It has now been scientifically proven that surfing is good for you. Do yourself a favor and get in the ocean as soon as possible!

brenda smile

Surfing A Thumpy Beach Break

We get a mixture of levels on retreats usually, but it is not often that we have Amigas bringing their own shortboards and ready to pull into tubes. At a retreat at our Central Nicaragua location we had an Amiga named Cat who is a shredder. She was working on refining her turns and trying to learn to get barreled. One morning a few of the instructors took her out to a thumpy hollow beach break. While the surf wasn’t quite as good as they were hoping, it was still tons of fun

Surf Completely – A Yoga Sequence for Duck diving

If you want to work on your duck dive on dry land, here’s a short vinyasa sequence to activate the core and mimic the duck dive postures in order to strengthen the muscles and get the movements into muscle memory so that once you’re in the water it all feels natural.
Ieva Aldins, one of the yoga instructor at Surf With Amigas, describes and demonstrates a short flow to help improve your duck dive.

El Salvador October Highlights

Here’s the highlight video for our second retreat in October 2015 in El Salvador. The waves were a bit smaller but still had plenty of size and we had some serious shredders. Watch the girls handle well overhead waves with style. Plus pool antics, ping pong, and plenty of dancing.