Surfing and Soccer with Mariah Almond


Mariah is from Texas where the waves don’t get very good very often. She came to her first Suave Dulce retreat in Nicaragua last year, spent a lot more time surfing afterwards, and came back for another retreat in El Salvador. Her surfing had improved so much! She met some cute local kids on the beach, challenged them to a soccer game, and left them stunned after she scored a few goals. So what if they were only 13? A goal is a goal!

Holly Beck Gets a Super Cute Wave in El Salvador

If you’ve been on a retreat then you know that waves can be cute. I started describing waves that way during surf lessons as a reaction to ladies looking at a little wave and saying, “it looks scary!” I would respond by saying, “no, it’s a cute one!” Things progressed and now any wave that looks good comes with the tag, “cute”. So, here’s me getting a really cute one in El Salvador. This is how you do it!

Video Soundtrack by Nicki Bluhm

Heather Used a Transition Period in Her Life to Reconnect With Surfing

Heather Finlayson is going through a transition period in her life. She’s in her last year of law school, just got out of a serious long-term relationship, and needed a break from real life to evaluate where she wants to go from here.

She had learned to surf as a kid, but hadn’t kept it up regularly. During her week in Nicaragua she fell back in love with surfing. She started in the whitewash on day 1, but by day 6 she was charging into some seriously big waves and coming up with a smile every time. Even after only horseback riding once in her life, she took off galloping down the beach and gained new perspective on life.

Lindsay and Jinx Become Whitewash Buddies

Lindsay is a copy writer and musician living in NY. Jinx is a hilarious British documentarian. The two met up for the first time at Suave Dulce and became inseparable in the water. Between free use of air quotes and an SAT word or two, Lindsay also set the standard for surf wear style with her below-the-knee leggings – a must for next season!
Click Play below to watch…

High School Students Give Back With Suave Dulce

A group of 17 high school kids from High Tech High in San Diego came down to Nicaragua with Suave Dulce for the trip of a lifetime. They learned to surf, did yoga, went horseback riding on the beach, and boarded down an active volcano. They learned to make tortillas and jewelry while interacting with the local community.

All that was fun and exciting, but the real reason for their trip was to give back by helping to build a new classroom for 4th, 5th, and 6 graders. They painted, dug trenches, and learned to mix cement.

Click “play” above to watch their story.

High Tech High Students – Volunteer, Surf, Yoga, Adventure

Imagine this for your winter break in High School – two awesome teachers take you and 16 of your friends down to Northern Nicaragua for an incredible week of surfing, yoga, horseback riding, volcano boarding, and helping the community by building a new school room for local 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. Sound too good to be true? Not if you’re one of these kids…

Two teachers from the public charter school High Tech High in San Diego did exactly that. 17 Freshman and Sophmores came down to Suave Dulce for 10 days of eye-opening adventure.

A few knew how to surf already like Jake Stutz (shown above ripping and painting), who was busting airs and trying to improve his cutback, but most were learning to stand up for the first time.

Lizzie and Sierra fell in love with riding horses on the beach and after asking very nicely, got to do it twice! Maya made a heart-shaped corn tortilla, Nico represented the boys at yoga, and Jadon and Zeek showed off their upper thighs by stealing the girls’ short shorts. Apparently, that’s the new skater style these days, along with calling everyone “daddy”.

Aside from the silliness and adventure, the kids made serious progress on the new school room. They shoveled rocks, learned to mix cement, did some painting, and dug a massive trench that will bring drinking water to future students. There were a few impressive blisters and everyone went home with a new appreciation for construction workers.

Most promised to return next year, if not sooner!
If you’d like to come down with your school for a week of fun and giving back, email us at [email protected]

Check out the videos below for more…

Best Style Award – Jackie from Santa Barbara

Jackie learned to surf at age 40. Seven years later she is one of the most stylish ladies to visit Suave Dulce so far. From her smooth riding on a classic yellow 8’0 quad fin, to the braided pigtails down the volcano, and wine bottle cork tricks at cocktail hour, I want to be Jackie when I grow up!

Post-Surf Power Meal Ideas

After she spent the past decade crisscrossing the globe for surf competitions, you’d think that Holly Beck would want to finally settle down back home in California.

Think again.

When Beck isn’t surfing, skating or swimming with sharks in far-flung places like China and the Galapagos Islands, you’ll usually find her in a rugged area of northern Nicaragua. That’s where she’s built a solar-electricity-powered house, works with a local community organization and runs a women’s surf, adventure and volunteer camp.

“My favorite part of pro tour was all of the fun, crazy times I had with my amigas,” Beck said. “I wanted to re-create that experience in a country that I fell love in with.” Her laid-back attitude and passion for the environment spread across all aspects of her life, including her philosophy toward food. Here, she shares the meal she regularly digs into post-surf.

What’s the dish: Fish tacos and guacamole with a “chunky monkey” smoothie.

What’s in it: Fresh-caught fish tacos with homemade tortillas, plus chips with guacamole made from avocados mashed with tomatoes, cilantro and jalapenos plucked from the garden. “Since the closest grocery store is about an hour’s drive away, most of our meals are made from fresh, local and organic ingredients,” Beck said. She washes it down with a smoothie made from low-fat milk, banana, peanut butter and chocolate syrup — a specialty of El Coco Loco, the eco-resort where Beck hosts many of her surf camps.

When it’s on the table: At lunch, often. Since the best waves are early in the morning, Beck’s breakfast is quick and light. “I have toast with peanut butter, sliced banana and a touch of honey with a super-strong cup of coffee and a few big gulps of water,” she said. So after spending three or four hours surfing or teaching lessons, Beck’s ready for a hearty meal.

What it delivers: The fish provides lean protein, while the guacamole serves up vitamins C and E and heart-healthy fats. Meanwhile, studies show that the chocolate-milk combo in the smoothie provides the perfect amount of carbs and protein to refuel muscles. “It tastes like a good-for-you dessert,” Beck said.

Why she loves it: “I try to have organic, locally sourced foods as much as possible,” Beck said. “They’re not only more delicious, but better for the environment and our bodies.” But her lunch shows that eating consciously and healthfully doesn’t have to come at the expense of your taste buds. Organic
foods are becoming more and more common and no longer need to be purchased from specifically designated organic foods stores. Most grocery stores now have an entire section devoted to organic foods and include everything from nuts, granola, fruits and vegetables to chips, cereal and even frozen foods such as pizza.
“Health starts in your mind,” she said. “So freshly fried tortilla chips with homemade guacamole has a place, too. It’s all about finding balance.”

Check out this link to the article by Sharon Liao on