Panama Retreat Highlight Video

A few years ago we took a trip to Panama and stumbled upon this hidden gem of a beachbreak with super user friendly and also really awesome waves and a little hotel right in front. This is our third year back the guests had an amazing adventure including surf, tide pool antics, SUP exploration, and some great fishing. Combine that with good friends and great food and you’ve got a typical Surf With Amigas surf yoga retreat adventure.

Panama Highlights Week 2

Even though conditions weren’t perfect, we still found sick waves and had a blast! An early season rain storm brought cloudy skies but that helped to keep the ladies from getting sunburned! Super awesome waves and even some great fishing were scored by the girls.

Costa Rican Retreat Photo Montage

On a recent Costa Rican retreat we were blessed with the presence of Gaby Alexander who shot some gorgeous photos in the water and between sessions. Here are a few highlights. This is what a Surf With Amigas Retreat looks like in Costa Rica.

Last Minute Deals for May and June Retreats with Surf With Amigas in Nicaragua

Hey Amigas! We still have just a couple of spots left on our first three retreats of the summer series that we want to fill! Email [email protected] for discount offers.

Come play May 27-June 3 or June 10-17 in North Nicaragua. Any new signups (deposits paid after May 8) are eligible for a discount. Returning Amigas or ladies signing up with a friend get extra benefits!

What are the waves like in North Nicaragua in the summer? Summer in Nicaragua is a great time for waves for all levels. If you want to improve your existing skills there are bigger waves great for learning to do turns or riding a shorter board. If you want to stay on the inside in the baby waves or learn to stand up for the first time, there are plenty of cute waves for you too! Our Northern Nicaragua location is perfect for all ability levels as it has the very best waves for first timers and also really shred-able waves for ladies with experience. See below a couple of highlight videos from summer retreats at this location.

Come play May 27-June 3, June 3-10, July 22-29, and July 29-Aug 5 in South Nicaragua. Any new signups (deposits paid after May 8) are eligible for a discount. Returning Amigas or ladies signing up with a friend get extra benefits!

What are the waves like in South Nicaragua in the summer? – Southern Nicaragua has all day offshore winds allowing multiple surf sessions per day. We’ll stay at a resort overlooking a super cute left that is more protected from big swells, but also never flat even if the swell is small. There are some rocks on the inside so it’s not ideal if you’ve never surfed before. But if you’re intimidated by bigger waves and do have some prior surfing experience, this retreat probably has better conditions for you than our Northern location. If you have never surfed before but REALLY want to join us at this location, we can drive over to a friendly break for a first timer, but we prefer ladies at this location have a bit of experience.

Come join us this summer! Last minute escapes at great deals!

[email protected] for inquiries

Costa Rica Adventure Video with Returning Amigas and Mother Daughter Duos

This was a particularly awesome week for Surf With Amigas Surf and Yoga Retreats in Costa Rica. It was our last retreat of the series in Costa Rica and we went out with an incredible group of ladies of all ages including many returning guests and a few mother/daughter duos. There was surfing, yoga, hiking in the jungle, horseback riding, and of course lots of dancing and playing.

On Wave Coaching with Surf With Amigas

Surf With Amigas has been taking our surf coaching to the next level in Costa Rica lately by offering on-wave coaching. One of our surf instructors will ride the wave with you and coach you while riding alongside. It’s super helpful to be reminded of all the things you want to remember while enjoying the excitement of riding the wave. Here’s a sample from an awesome group of ladies who joined us in Costa Rica and seriously improved their surfing. A few of them had been to multiple other surf camps but said they’d never had on-wave coaching and had never improved so much. That’s our goal!

Party People in Nicaragua Surfing with Amigas

This video is such a great summary of what Surf With Amigas is all about. Awesome surfing for all levels from first timers to advanced surfers wanting to improve their skills. Horseback riding on the beach. Yoga (although not actually pictured in the video). But throughout it all, a bunch of ladies of all ages, body types, from all backgrounds and multiple countries, having fun together in the ocean. That’s what Surf With Amigas is all about!

Shortboard Only Advanced Surf Clinic

We are really excited to announce our first advanced surf coaching clinic in Northern Nicaragua. We’ll stay in front of a hollow beach break and will set a goal of getting you into your first real tube ride, or improving your tube riding if you already have some barrel experience.

Of course there are other good waves around as well. This is for shortboarders only!

You will get a chance to surf with former pro surfer and SWA founder Holly Beck and others from our awesome team of instructors. Check out the website for more info: