3 Yoga Postures to Strengthen Your Core

There are so many parallels between yoga and surfing. The skills you learn and practice on the yoga mat translate to the surfboard across so many different levels. Through this next series of blogs we will start uncovering some of these parallels.

Today, our focus is on the core. The practice of yoga is super beneficial in stabilizing and strengthening the body’s core. The core extends far beyond the muscles of the abs, and having a strong core protects our spine and reduces our risk of injury. A stabilized core allows us to move with strength and speed in a safe and effective way. Having a strong core can also help our balance, which is a huge benefit for surfing.

A strong and stabilized core increases your chances of having an quick pop-up and a successful ride.

Here are 3 yoga postures you can practice to strengthen your core and improve your pop up speed and balance on the surf board:

Bridge Posture: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana


Step 1: Lay supine on floor. Feet hip width apart so that you can graze your heels with your fingertips.

Step 2: Press feet and arms into the floor. Inhale and lift hips, firming the buttocks but not over squeezing. Lift buttocks until thighs are almost parallel to earth. Stack your knees over your heels. Engage your inner thighs muscles to keep the thighs and knees drawing towards each other maintaining hip width distance apart. Press into the feet to lift hips more, engaging the inner thigh muscles more to relax the buttock slightly.

Step 3: Lengthen sternum towards chin, chin slightly lifted from sternum. Walk one shoulder blade underneath the body at a time, interlock fingers and press hands into the earth. Open across the chest as you feel the length in the back of the neck.

Surf Specific Benefits: This one is not an obvious core strengthener but specific to surfing the benefits are huge! You are opening the chest and counteracting all of that forward rotation in the pectoral muscles from paddling. At the same time lengthening and strengthening your spine and opening the hip flexors (great for a fast pop up), while strengthening the glutes!!! This is a strengthening and healing posture when it comes to our surf specific muscles. Highly recommended!

* Hold for up to 30 seconds maintaining steady breath in and out through the nose.

Side Plank Posture: Vasisthasana

side plank

Step 1: From Downward Dog or Forward Plank shift onto the knife edge of the right foot. Bring the left hand onto the left hip and stack the right wrist slightly in front of the right shoulder. Root the right hand into the earth pressing through every knuckle mound to ease pressure on the wrist. Step the left foot back to meet the right, stacking the feet.

*If stacking the feet is too extreme, you can step the left foot to the centre line of the body, with the knee bent and the foot on the ground as kick stand.

Step 2: Open your hips, chest and gaze to the left side, extend the left arm to the sky. Gaze straightforward or gaze up towards the left hand.

Step 3: Hold with hips lifted, breathing steady. To increase intensity lift the left leg towards the sky. You can hold static or pulse. If pulsing, inhale to lift the left leg and exhale to slowly lower left leg until it hovers above the right. Move slowly with precision and control.

* Hold for 30 seconds. Rest. Take a forward facing plank for 30 seconds. Switch sides. Repeat 2 or 3 times on each side! Between each side take 30 seconds in forward plank.

Surf Specific Benefits: Strengthens the abdominals, the hips and improve overall sense of balance!
Baby Cobra: Bhujangasana


Step 1: Lay on your belly. Press the tops of your feet into the earth. Engage your thighs and feel your tailbone lengthening down towards the heels. Press your feet, thighs into the earth. Engaging the glutes and feeling the continued length from the tailbone towards the heels.

Step 2: Hands on the floor, stretch fingertips wide and root every knuckle mound into the earth. Hands underneath shoulders. Elbows close to the body. (Like grasshopper legs)!

Step 3: Use an inhale breath to slowly press into the palms, lifting the chest. Maintain firm contact with the lower body into the ground, feeling the spine long and tailbone lengthening towards heels as the chest lifts. Shoulders firming into the back body. In this baby cobra variation take a mini lift, gazing forward. (You are so lifted and engaged through the legs and core that you can hover your hands off of the mat for a moment).

* Hold for 15-30 seconds with steady breath through the nose. Slowly release. Repeat 2- 3 times and then take Child’s Posture.

Surf Specific Benefits: Strengthens the spine, abdominals and buttocks while opening through the chest and shoulders. This posture preps the body for a strong and stable paddling position and a solid foundation to start your pop-up from.

Remember to breathe through all of these postures using nose breathing. If you are not sure about your alignment head to a studio and ask your local yoga teacher some questions or come on a retreat and we will help you out!! Ultimately, the goal of these postures is gain some strength while creating opening. There is no need to push, force or achieve anything through these postures. Modifications are always available. Have a beautiful Tuesday and practice, practice, practice!

Meet SWA Yoga Teacher Carly

Surf With Amigas is lucky to have several awesome yoga teachers on staff to keep you loose, relaxed, rejuvenated, and inspired between surf sessions. We are pleased to introduce Carly Chivers who will be attending many of our retreats outside of Northern Nicaragua. She’s a great surfer so she knows just how to stretch out tired paddling muscles and get you energized for your next session.

Advice from Nikki – Making Space

Living in Nicaragua for the last three years has taught me the importance and value of simplicity. While I have known this for some time, during my last visit to the States it became very apparent to me. Our tendency to over-consume and over-accumulate may be causing us more stress than we realize.

Did you know that physical clutter or unnecessary “stuff” could be detrimental to your health? Science even says so!

Clutter doesn’t only impact us physically. When our space is cluttered, we often feel chaotic mentally – unable to make decisions, scattered thoughts, feeling over being overwhelmed or stuck, etc.

By creating more space and organization in our homes and places of work and play, we gain clarity, focus, energy and productivity. By freeing the stagnant energy of the clutter, we make room for more of the things we want. In doing this, we are also able to let go of things that we have held onto mentally and emotionally. By the release and freeing of extra ‘stuff’ we feel lighter and more open. Some people even lose weight after de-cluttering their homes!

I recently moved into a new home and took the opportunity to purge myself of clothes that I never wore. Here’s a picture of my new closet spacecloset.

Tips for making more space in your home

* clear things you do not use or have not used in over a year
* purge things that you no longer find beautiful and useful
* shed things that are not uplifting and inspiring
* be easy on yourself. don’t try to get rid off too much at once, it can be overwhelming especially if you have a LOT of stuff.

In my yoga practice, stretching the sides of my body make me feel light, and spacious.


Acro Yoga Retreat with Nikki and Friends August 8-15


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Play, relax and rejuvenate.

Join Surf With Amiga’s head yoga teacher, Nikki, along with Acro instructors Dion and Lotsie for a week of acro and restorative yoga, surfing, slack lining, volcano hiking and more!

AcroYoga blends the wisdom of yoga, the dynamic power of acrobatics, and the loving kindness of healing arts. These three lineages form the foundation of a practice that cultivates trust, playfulness, and community.

Dates: Aug 8 – Aug 15, 2015

The ‘Acro Shine’ Retreat includes:

  • 7 night accommodation at El Coco Loco Resort
  • All meals (seafood and vegetarian options available), healthy snacks and raw desserts
  • All non-alcoholic beverages including smoothies, fresh fruit and vegetable juices
  • Daily Acro-Yoga with Dion and Lotsie
  • Daily Meditative & Restorative Yoga w/ Nikki
  • Thai Massage Workshop
  • Introductory Group Surf Lesson
  • Volcan Telica Hike — see lava!!
  • Chocolate making lesson
  • Opportunity to get involved with the local community through non-profit organization, Waves of Hope
  • Transportation to and from the Managua International Airport

Accommodation Options:

Beach Cabana

  • Single Occupancy $1550 USD
  • Double Occupancy $1350 USD
  • Triple Occupancy $1250 USD

A Room in the Beach House

  • Single Occupancy $1700 USD
  • Double Occupancy $1550 USD
Learn more about the teachers:

To register or with any questions please email [email protected] and mention you came through the Surf With Amigas site!



Pre-Surf Snack Idea from SWA Yoga Teacher Nikki

nikki yoga startNikki Belcher is the resident yoga teacher at Surf With Amigas and also our dietician, spiritual advisor and moon expert. She is a new mama and also a surfer. Here she gives us a taste of her favorite pre-surf snack.

Often times before I head out for a surf, I want to eat something that is filling and power fueled yet something that is light enough that I don’t feel overly stuffed while paddling out. My go to pre-surf (or post-surf second breakfast dessert) snack is:  peanut butter and banana on toast topped with chia seeds.

 But why is this simple and easy snack oh SO good?

pb Peanut Butter: preferably homemade without all the added sugars and oils, peanut butter is a great source of protein (building and repairing muscles) and healthy fats (reduces risk of heart disease).  One of the highest foods in the B vitamin Niacin, peanuts can help turn food into energy and keep your skin, hair, eyes and digestive system healthy.

Banana: convenient, creamy and sweet, bananas are known for their high potassium. Adding a banana into your daily diet will help maintain normal blood pressure and overall heart function. Low in fat  and high in fiber, bananas also help keep your digestive track well regulated.

chia Ch-ch-ch-Chia!: a member of the mint family, chia seeds are either white, black or both. Highly nutritious, ‘Chia’ means strength in the Mayan language and the Mayan and Aztec warriors used these tiny seeds as their main source of fuel during conquests. Chia seeds contain one of the highest known plant based sources of protein and essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega -6). This means they are loaded with energy and brain power! They also contain soluble and insoluble fibers – which act as a ‘massage’ to your colon – increasing elimination and detoxification all while decreasing inflammation. The fiber also absorbs large amounts of water, making you feel fuller longer and prolonging hydration. Loaded with antioxidants, calcium and iron chia seeds will make your heart, bones, blood and cells happier and healither! With zero flavor and very few calories, you can sprinkle them on fruits and salads or add them into your granola or smoothie for an extra power punch!

How to make:

* toast a piece of your favorite bread

* slather on peanut butter

* slice one banana on top of peanut butter

* sprinkle about one tablespoon on chia seeds on top of banana

* eat and enjoy 🙂



nikki yoga start

Heal Negative Energy with Smudging

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To open every yoga practice I like to light an incense or burn sage. Students often ask what I am lighting and why. This powerful offering is known as smudging.

Smudging is an ancient |Native American| practice used for healing and energy clearing. Often used in ceremonial and ritual spaces, the burning of herbs is said to purify and protect the physical and spiritual bodies.

It is best to light your choice of herb/plant from the flame of a candle and set a clear intention as it begins to burn. If you are cleansing a room, move the smudge stick in a clockwise direction around the room. It is good to spend extra time in the corners of the room because this is a place where energy can become stagnant. If you are smudging yourself or another person, move the smudge stick in small circles around the body from head to toe. If there is a place in your body that needs extra care, attention or healing it is nice to spend a few moments over that area while calling in a positive intention/affirmation/mantra.

Two of my favorite plants with which to smudge my home, my practice space and myself are:

Sage; said to increase intuition, it is used to ward off evil spirits and negative energies. it offers protection, blessings and clearing.

Palo Santo or ‘Holy Wood’ ; meant to raise your vibration, enhance creativity and bring good fortune. a mystical tree that grows on the coast of South America, it’s scent is both grounding and uplifting.

other suggestions: cedar, sweet grass, myrrh, copal and frankincense

Collect the herbs, light a candle, and smudge! Please let us know how it went and how you feel afterwards.


Neck and Shoulder Release by Nikki Belcher

Sore from surfing? Tight from sitting at a computer all day? I know I am. Everyday!

Join with me in thanking the deity of your choice for the gorgeous and inspiring Nikki Belcher who brings us relaxation and release via this 10 minute sequence guaranteed to relieve all that nasty tension stored in your neck and shoulders.

If you like what you see, head on over to NikkiBelcher.com to learn more about the moon goddess herself!


Waterfall Yoga with Nikki


We are so blessed to have Nikki Belcher as our yoga teacher at Surf With Amigas. She is gorgeous inside and out, has a calming, healing presence, and inspires a restorative practice. There was so much prana/energy at the waterfall in the cloud forest that Nikki decided to do a little free flow sequence.