June 14 Retreat Highlights


The week of June 14th we were blessed with really awesome conditions and an incredible group of enthusiastic, positive, and supportive Amigas. We had clean small-medium sized waves, surfers of all abilities pushing themselves and cheering for eachother, and a really special group of personalities that all jived super well together. Thanks for the good times and I can’t wait to surf with these ladies again!

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Learn From the Best at Surf With Amigas

If you want to learn something new, you want to find the very best teacher. At Surf With Amigas, we’re dedicated to assembling the very best staff. We pay more per week than a lot of other camps pay per month, which means we get great instructors (all girls who love to surf and travel) who are very excited and motivated to help you learn – whether it’s in the water, on your yoga mat, or over a fruity cocktail while soaking in the pool. Learn to surf better, improve your yoga practice, and gain new perspective on life, love, and happiness with Surf With Amigas.
In this video a recent Amiga shares what she learned from the staff this week.




Liz Gets Tubed on Her Third Retreat


Liz came on her very first Surf With Amigas retreat at our Southern Nicaragua location in June of 2013 to learn to surf. She got hooked and came back to surf with us again in July 2013 in El Salvador. Now, just one year later, she joined us for the third time in Northern Nicaragua, set a goal of getting barreled, and achieved it on the second day! I can’t wait to see what she does next!

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Waterfalls, Textiles, and Coffee in El Salvador


One of the unique features of the geography of El Salvador is the short distance between the coast and the cloud forest that sits atop a steep mountain range. In addition to the amount of perfect right point breaks along the country’s gorgeous coastline, the inland topography is home to a cooler climate, rushing waterfalls, hot springs, and an organic farming culture.  Though surfing is always the priority, sometimes it’s nice to take an afternoon off to see what else a country has to offer. Just a short trip up the mountain from our spot and we’ll be amongst the clouds, sipping organic coffee, tasting homemade chocolate, shopping for woven textiles, and finding a waterfall adventure.



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For more information about our El Salvador retreats in October, check out the information page here.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZktYUUC0F4?feature=player_detailpage&w=640&h=360]

May Retreat Highlights

To start off our summer series, the week of May 24th was blessed/cursed with pretty solid surf. After spending the first couple of days at the bay, we moved over to the point for the rest of the week. The Amigas handled it. Even ladies who had never surfed before were outside paddling into green waves and riding them all the way in by the end of the week. It was really inspiring!


Neck and Shoulder Release by Nikki Belcher

Sore from surfing? Tight from sitting at a computer all day? I know I am. Everyday!

Join with me in thanking the deity of your choice for the gorgeous and inspiring Nikki Belcher who brings us relaxation and release via this 10 minute sequence guaranteed to relieve all that nasty tension stored in your neck and shoulders.

If you like what you see, head on over to NikkiBelcher.com to learn more about the moon goddess herself!


South Nicaragua Retreat July 19-26 – Only a Few Spots Left!


We only do it once a year, but it’s a pretty special experience. We’ll stay at a gorgeous location situated on a rocky outcrop with ocean visible almost 270 degrees. The food is amazing (like seriously amazing), the waves are super duper cute (several surf spots to choose from – all within walking distance), there’s WiFi, AirCon, and real flush toilets right in your room!

The retreat is limited to just 12 spots and as of May 15th, we’re over half full with several on the list promising to send in their deposits within the next week. If you’re interested, get on it! Check out all the info here and email [email protected] with questions and to sign up!

Check out the video from last year if you need further convincing! It’s going to be awesome!

Disguised in Nature

The life of a competitive surfer is fun, frustrating, and the best thing in the world for a time. Here’s a beautiful film featuring two young surfers from South Africa and France who are currently competing on the world tour. Here’s just a little taste of what it’s like.disguised


Holly Demonstrates Backside Tube Riding

The backside tube ride is a particularly difficult maneuver requiring strength, flexibility, and fearlessness. When well executed there are few greater feelings. When poorly executed you can count on a sore neck! Here Holly demonstrates the proper technique for a clean backside tube ride complete with huge smile and dance at the end.
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