Spirit Designs

1317eb_c53c257161ec48919b1807394a9175e4.jpg_srz_928_174_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srzSurf With Amigas’ boutique is now carrying a unique neoprene shorts style by Spirit Designs. The shorts were created for water sports of all kind and are comfortable in and out of the water. Founder and creator, Ginger Kelly was first introduced to us through an amiga on a retreat who brought down some prototypes for us to try out. A year later, we now have them available for sale! They are reversible, and come in classic and fun colors. For more info, check out Spirit Designs’ website: www.spiritdesigns.net and the styles we have available on our Suitcase Boutique page: www.surfwithamigas.com/shop.

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Interview Series – Kira Achieved Her Goals

Kira Harrison is from Seattle, Washington and came on a retreat with zero prior surfing experience. She picked it up super fast and achieved her goal of turning and riding along the wave. Here’s what she had to say about the experience at Surf With Amigas Surf Yoga Adventure Retreat in Nicaragua.


Surf Fashion – What’s the Deal with Surf Leggings?

What’s the deal with surf leggings, you ask? Well, quite a lot! We first noticed Amigas wearing their yoga pants in the surf to protect them from things like jellyfish, rashes from wax, and the sun. They looked cute but we’d never tried them. Recently when designing our new custom rashguard (see photo of Sam modeling the Surf With Amigas rashguard below) we decided to add some leggings to the line (see Jackie in the leggings). We tried them ourselves and became addicted! They’re functional, cute, and they just feel good to wear. Perfect for surf, yoga, dancing, or whatever you feel like doing. Surf With Amigas surf leggings are only available in the SWA Suitcase Boutique by coming on a retreat with us.

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Join the Amigas in El Salvador in October

Every year in October we pack up our surfboards and head to El Salvador for two weeks of shredding at the amazing, super long, super fun wave of Sunzal. Check out this video for a quick little tour of the spot we’ll stay, the wave we’ll surf, and some of the other activities. Join the Amigas in El Salvador to improve your surfing, ride super long waves, do yoga, and adventure!

More info is available here: El Salvador Retreat Info

This year’s dates:
October 18-25 2014
October 26 – November 2 2014
email [email protected] for booking info….

Southern Nicaragua Retreat Highlights


Once a year we pack up all the boards and drive South to Magnific Rock for our annual Southern Nicaragua Retreat. This year we had a very diverse group of Amigas from a few different countries including Peru and Australia. We had pretty small surf which allowed us to surf three different spots. Everyone improved so much!

Mi Ola

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Working in Nicaragua has been such a dream. Good waves, amazing fruit, tons of sun, and bikini weather every day. The trick is picking the right bikini. When the waves are small it doesn’t make much of a difference, but when it’s kinda pumping you better hope your bikini stays on. It’s really been a constant struggle to find a cute one that will stay on. It sucks when your duck diving a ten wave set and your bum is showing.



One day we wake up and decide to go for a surf. It’s a gorgeous morning and the waves had been cute and little all week. I put my Mi Ola bikini and my sunscreen on and we head out. We pull up and to my surprise there are waves! I’m waxing my board watching wave after wave peel through. Frothing! That day the friends and I spent nearly three hours surfing. Duckdiving sets, speeding down the line, charging the big ones and taking drops some of which I made, and some of which I didn’t. My only “complaint” after this sesh was too much sun on my face. No bikini rash, no adjusting, no mooning or flashing the fellow surfers. I was so stoked I had picked that bikini for that day. Now, if I know there’s going to be some waves and I am going to be spending some time in my bikini I go straight to my Mi Ola.

Sunny Happy Fun Day

On the last day of a retreat in July we had super small and perfectly clean conditions. There was no one else out and the sun was shining. The Amigas were having so much fun and we got some sweet water shots. Sunny Happy Fun Day!


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Jamie Came to Improve Her Surfing – Success!

Jamie has been surfing a few years in the Los Angeles area without any formal coaching, just going surfing with her friends. Some of those friends had visited Surf With Amigas the year before and greatly improved their surfing, so Jamie came down hoping to do the same. After a few days she realized that the issues she was having didn’t have a lot to do with skill necessarily but were mental blocks. With the help of the Amigas instructors (both surf and yoga) she was able to overcome and scored the best wave of her life, riding all the way to the beach with mindfulness and control, on the last day of the retreat. Here’s Jamie’s story.
