Surf Yoga Retreats for All Ages, All Abilities

Surf With Amigas offers surf yoga retreats that are open to all ages and all ability levels. We had a mix of all of that on this retreat at our Northern Costa Rica location – from ladies who had been surfing a while to some who had never touched a board. There was an awesome mother/daughters trio who shared a party wave with all three riding. So fun!

Our First Pura Vista Retreat Highlight Video

surf with amigas, learn to surf, longboard, costa rica, holly beck

Our first ever retreat at our Pura Vista location was so fun! We had a mixed level group including one mother/daughter duo. We scored some awesome waves and got a chance to surf a variety of spots. After surfing we’d go back to the house, swim in the pool, and relax, enjoying the awesome view!

We do have several other retreats on our schedule at this location starting the week of Feb 23 if you’re interested in joining us. Check out the schedule page for more details!

Northern Costa Rica Beginner Surf Retreat

surf with amigas, playa grande, learn to surf, sunrise, beach, girls surfing

Beginner surf retreat

We just wrapped up our very first beginner surf retreat of the season in Northern Costa Rica. While some of the ladies who attended did have prior surfing experience, we also had a handful who had never surfed before. This sand bottom bay is the perfect spot for learning to stand up for the very first time. It’s also a great spot to refine existing skills.

Dance off

We had some incredible dancers join us this week. They were busting a move on the beach, during late night dance parties in the yoga studio, and on their surfboards. Watch the video to see all the moves.

The Waves Await – A review of SWA by journalist Pam LeBlanc

Pam LeBlanc is a journalist for the Austin Statesman. She joined us on a retreat this past summer to learn to surf and wrote about her experience. An excerpt from her exciting story is below, along with a link to the full article. Enjoy!

surf instructor, surf camp, learn to surf, costa rica, womens, surf yoga retreat
Surf instructor Chloe demonstrates the nose ride on a long left.

The waves await

On the last day of surf camp, we head across the muddy gravel road in front of our cabins to a stretch of beach where the waves break big.

There, the ocean curls over into industrial-size rolls of carpet, crashing in rapid-fire explosions of greenish-gray spray. The roar drowns out the squawking of the scarlet macaws, and I can’t draw my eyes away. Those waves look huge to me, much bigger than the “cute” ones we’ve been practicing on all week, even though I know that for seasoned surfers they’d present no problem.

Surfboards in tow, 10 other women and I stare out to sea. Then we wade into the surf. We dash out, a few at a time, between the biggest sets, springing onto our boards and paddling furiously, jumping off and “turtling” them overhead to get through bigger waves.

It takes 30 minutes for all of us to work our way safely past the break. Then we sit up, watching intently for just the right set.

After a week of practice, now comes the test……

Post session view review

Making waves

Before the first ocean session at all-women’s Surf With Amigas camp in southern Costa Rica, we gathered beneath a covered pavilion for some dry land briefings. We learned the parts of a surfboard, the basics about wave formation and how to get up on a surfboard. Instructors broke the pop-up technique into steps, and we practiced on yoga mats.

Then we headed to the beach in a van loaded with colorful boards, music pulsing out the windows. For the next five days, our group broke into two — beginners like me and more experienced paddlers. We visited two nearby beaches, and one day rode a boat to catch a wave off the Osa Peninsula. We paddled into swell after swell, missing some and catching others.

Gradually, things got easier. I grew comfortable hopping onto the board and easing myself into the standing position. I didn’t always get it, and fell off pretty quickly when I did, but I swooned every time I felt that sweet push when I caught a wave just right. After a few days, I could turn down the line, riding a small wave as it broke toward shore. The other campers and I cheered each accomplishment, and at the end of every session we snacked on fresh watermelon and pineapple.

“These trips are confidence-boosting, girl power.”
Lucy Schwartz, 27

Then we headed back to our cabins, no-frills, cement-floored shelters without air conditioning or hot water but with plenty of charm.

Sure, we all went nuts when a local woman stopped by to paint toucans and palm trees on our fingernails, we descended like vultures when organizers pulled out an array of teeny-weeny bikinis available for purchase, and we staged the greatest slumber party of all time one night when we made chocolate from scratch, sipped wine and braided each other’s hair.

But make no mistake: This was no frivolous get-together. We came to surf.

Costa Rican wildlife

To read more, click the link below for the full article:

Last night bonfire with new friends.

July Advanced Retreat Highlight Video

In July we hosted an advanced retreat in Southern Costa Rica. The advanced retreats are open to ladies that do have a solid amount of prior surf experience and are working on more complex turns, style, and higher level skills. This particular week we were a bit unlucky with swell. The waves were on the smaller side, but as you can see, it’s never flat and we still had plenty of surf to work with. The guests got video coaching with former pro surfer Holly Beck and participated in classroom sessions on style, how to read a surf forecast and the differences between surfboards.

Check the schedule for our upcoming advanced retreats!

Family Friendly Surf Retreat in Costa Rica

family surf retreat, surf with amigas, costa rica

We love family surf retreats!

It’s so fun to share the joy of the ocean with the next generation of little surfers. If you have kids that you want to get into surfing, bringing them to warm water waves with an easy channel for paddling out is the best way to do it! SWA founder Holly Beck has two kids that she’s been surfing with and has honed a program for getting kids up and riding that she wants to share with other parents! Older kids riding their own boards get to benefit from all the in water help as well as video coaching that the adults enjoy.

Check out the highlight video above from our first family friendly retreat in Costa Rica. This week we had kids from age 1-12 join us along with their parents and a few friends on a week of surfing, yoga, chocolate making, horseback riding and dance parties. It was so fun that we immediately put a couple more family retreats on the schedule.

family surf retreat, surf with amigas, costa rica
Penny, age 7.

Bring your kids, no matter their age

If you have kids that you’d like to get into surfing, or kids that surf already that would love to join us for a weeklong adventure in warm water, or kids that are too young to surf that you’d like to setup with a nanny so you can go surfing…. join us on a family retreat!

family surf retreat, surf with amigas, costa rica

Upcoming family Surf retreat dates:

Feb 16-23 2018, July 20-27 2018

Pricing is based on a per-family rate specific to your situation, ages of kids etc. We try to make it as affordable as possible, so email to discuss options. [email protected]

family surf retreat, surf with amigas, costa rica
Non-stop family fun!

family surf retreat, surf with amigas, costa rica

62 Year Old Paula Talks About Her Experience Surfing into her 60s

Paula Bushardt is a retired engineer living in Florida who has joined us on several SWA retreats. She offered up this review of her experiences:

First Retreat in El Salvador

My first visit to Surf with Amigas was in 2012 in El Salvador at Las Flores.  A dear friend called me up and said she wanted to go on a surf trip to celebrate her 40th birthday.  I told her I was in as long as it was all-inclusive.  I had been working many hours and was exhausted from life’s burdens and didn’t want to have to think for a week.  The goal was to ride epic waves, get warm and go brain dead.

Here’s the highlight video from Paula’s first retreat with us, back when SWA was called “Suave Dulce!” Check out Paula’s wave at 2:13 of the video!

Continue reading “62 Year Old Paula Talks About Her Experience Surfing into her 60s”

Feeding Monkeys and Catching Awesome Waves in Costa Rica

surf with amigas, instructors, all women, surf camp, learn to surf, surf coaching

On a retreat in Costa Rica in June, the group scored some big waves, and had awesome interaction with nature. Hand feeding monkeys, incredible caterpillars, and awesome beach moments. Surf with Amigas all women surf yoga adventure retreats in Costa Rica are the best!

We are getting down to the very end of our rainy season retreat series in Costa Rica with just one more retreat starting up today. This location is amazing! Check out the video above from a retreat in June that was just uploaded and let us know if you’d like to join us in the fall when we start up again! November retreats are already sold out but we do have some space in December and beyond!

Family Surf Retreat Boat Trip Test Run

mother daughter, surfing, teach your kids to surf, family retreat, surf camp, costa rica, holly beck, luna suli

Family Surf Retreat

Now that I have kids, and my 3.5 year old has started surfing, I’m getting really excited about hosting more family surf retreats. There’s nothing more fun than sharing the love of surfing with family. Seeing your little one’s eyes light up and that full face smile as they ride a wave alongside you is every bit as fulfilling as getting an amazing wave yourself – or so I’ve come to believe.

Continue reading “Family Surf Retreat Boat Trip Test Run”