We’ve Got Shirts!

You asked, we answered. We now have t-shirts and tank tops available! If you’ve been on a retreat, then you get it right away. “It’s a cute one!” when the wave doesn’t necessarily look all that “cute”. I like to think that we are unique in calling waves “cute”. It’s our thing.

It all started back in the early days of Surf With Amigas, when I was giving a surf lesson to someone who felt very nervous and afraid. She didn’t immediately trust me and kept looking over her shoulder and doubting my ability to pick the right wave for her. I’d say, “here’s a good one” and she’d look back and say, “no, that’s too big”. I’d say, “no, it’s small” and she’d say “no it’s big” etc. So instead of arguing over our perception of size, I said, “here comes a cute one”. That stunned her. It’s hard to be afraid of something called “cute”. She accepted, caught the wave, stood up and rode! From that day on, waves became cute. But, that doesn’t mean that “cute” always equals “small”!

To order your shirt, go to our page at Palmera Local and choose your favorite style!