Surfing Postpartum: 5 Tips For Getting Back In the Water

surf with amigas postpartum

Becoming a mom is a journey, both physically and emotionally. The thought of returning to surfing, especially after your body has gone through such transformative change, can be daunting. At our retreats, we meet women going through all these kinds of changes, and know that there is no set timeline for when you should start surfing again post-baby. Go at your own pace, if and when you’re ready! This blog is meant to empower everyone to get back into the water and remind you to give yourself some grace throughout the process.

Here are five essential tips to help you navigate this exhilarating yet sensitive time:

1. Listen to Your Body

After giving birth, your body needs time to recover. Pay close attention to how you feel physically and emotionally before considering getting back in the water. Rushing into strenuous exercise too soon can lead to injury or setbacks in your recovery.

2. Start Slowly with Gentle Activities

Ease yourself back into surfing by starting with gentle activities that help rebuild your strength and stamina. Begin with light exercises such as walking, swimming, or yoga to regain your fitness levels. This can also help you reconnect with your body and build confidence before getting back into surfing.

surf with amigas retreats

3. Invest in the Right Gear

Your body may have changed during pregnancy, so investing in the right gear is crucial for comfort and performance. Look for a suit that’s easy to breastfeed in, or wetsuits that provide easier access. Comfortable and supportive swimwear can make a significant difference in how confident and comfortable you feel in the water!


Getting back into surfing postpartum can be hard! Seek support from fellow surf moms or join local surf groups with like minded people that understand your journey.  Finding community that encourages you to get back into doing what you love is invaluable. 

surf with amigas retreats, surfing postpartum

5. Bring Your Baby…and Practice Patience!

Bringing your baby to the beach can be a great option, but it can require some planning. One tip we have is to bring a supportive buddy along with you. Whether it’s your partner, a friend, or a family member, having someone to help with baby care while momma gets a chance to score some wave can make a world of difference!

Another tip is to consider breastfeeding before, after, or even in between waves! This will help ease any breast pain, from laying on milk-filled breasts while paddling out. It will also allow you to surf longer!

Above all, be patient with yourself. It’s natural to feel different physically and emotionally postpartum. It’s all about finding a balance that allows you to savor every aspect of this special time in both your lives. Embrace the journey back to surfing as a process of rediscovery rather than a rush to achieve previous fitness levels. Celebrate each milestone!

surf with amigas retreats postpartum surf with amigas retreats post partum

To conclude, here’s some advice from SWA Co-Founder and frothy momma, Jackie George about her journey getting back into surfing postpartum:

“My first lesson in becoming a mother was humility. I thought I knew what birth and motherhood would look like, but the truth is that I am humbled everyday by how quickly things change. I am also in awe of mothers around the world and all they do. Some days I feel like a completely empowered badass mama, and other days I feel so powerless. Some days I am having so much fun with my toddler, and others I feel so frustrated. Riding these waves of highs and lows has undoubtedly added a new level of profundity to my existence that I wouldn’t change for anything. The last thing I’d want to do is declare myself an expert- all I can do is speak to my personal experience and share what has worked for me. As I write this blog, I’m speaking to myself more than anyone, and maybe others can find snippets to take home as well!
Listen to your body and listen to your baby.  Some people will judge you for opting out of sessions, and others will judge you if you decide to keep surfing late into the pregnancy. Only you know what will work for your situation- so feel into making those decisions on your own! My first pregnancy was super easy and I was able to surf until 30 weeks. I’m currently pregnant with my second at 20 weeks, and already feeling ready to hang up my surfboard for the season. Mama is tired! I do find myself having an internal struggle to “push through” and keep surfing, which is interesting to explore. I think that during my first pregnancy I worried that my surfing life was going to end when the baby came, so I was extra stressed out to get as many waves as I could beforehand. This time around, I feel more relaxed. I know that this is a chapter, and that after the initial postpartum time, I’ll be back at it, and more frothing than ever! Frothy mama comin’ in HOT- south swell season 2025!

“Our bodies are powerful and amazing and can heal surprisingly well after childbirth.”

Postpartum time can be hard. I’m not gonna lie. It took me a while to get through the era of the “postpartum pop up”…. aka… a very slow pop up due to complete lack of ab muscles. With FROTH though, anything is possible. Soon enough, I felt back to normal and even stronger than before. My care team was adamant that I wait almost 2 months before pushing my body physically. The philosophy is that if you really lean into resting your body in the early postpartum, healing will happen faster and it will pay off in the long run. Anecdotally, this really seemed to work for me. I suppose it was also easier to totally put surfing out of my mind for a bit, rather than stressing out about missing a session or feeling like I should be out there more. I’ll never forget that first session back after birth. The waves were mediocre, but I was so freaking stoked.”

For more about pregnancy journeys, surfing while pregnant or postpartum, check out our dear friend, Abi’s personal blog.